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The Average Salary for an Automotive Technician

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The average automotive technician salary is an excellent wage for a skilled trade. This article provides information about the job, education and salary range. It also lists how many years of experience you will need. If you are looking for a new job, this article will help you find it. It's a good choice for those who love working with cars, want a great lifestyle, and have a strong desire to learn.

Job description

The average salary for an auto technician varies depending upon where you live and the company. California, Washington D.C. is the highest-paying state. Some states may not require a GED or high school diploma. This is due to the South's lower cost of life. If you're thinking of becoming an auto technician, here are some cities where you could make a decent amount.

An assortment of factors affect the average salary for an automotive technician, such as education and experience. Although experience is crucial for any skilled trade, high wages can be earned if you are driven to succeed. The high wages and lifestyle that a technician can enjoy can make it very lucrative. There is no minimum salary, and the amount paid can vary from one place to another.

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Education Required

A degree in automotive technology could be the right choice for you if you've ever wanted to work in the automobile industry. This field will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to fix cars. Automotive technicians used to only be responsible for mechanical repairs. However, today they also have to work with electrical systems. If you want to earn a higher income, it is worth pursuing education that will allow you to improve your professional skills.

Texas pays an average automotive technician $46,680 a year. The average salary for master mechanics certified by ASE is $25,480 to $76,660. Your salary could increase by as much $11,000 if you become an ASE master mechanic. You'll be delighted to hear that there are many opportunities to earn more in automotive repair than the average.

Salary range

According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for an Automotive Technician is $51,820. The least paid individuals are those who did not go to college. An Associate's degree in Automotive Technology is equivalent to $43,110 per year. A median annual salary for those without college experience is $38,050. The South has lower wages than the national average but higher living costs. There are many opportunities to earn a salary in your area, whether you need a vehicle or are part of a well-established repair shop.

Automotive Technicians make an average of $66,312 per year, ranging from $48,087 in 2004 up to $66,312 by 2020. The pay for this job is dependent on many factors such as education, experience, and where you live. You are more likely to make more an hour if you have a Master's Degree than a noncertified mechanic. It all depends on how experienced you are and whether you work for an independent contractor, large auto repair shops, or both.

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Experience required

A strong understanding of mechanics, engine systems, and repair is essential to get a job as an auto technician. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are also a benefit. Many employers place safety first. Master Certified certification can take up two years if you are interested in this career path. Practical classes and theory are part of the training. This profession pays a decent salary, but may not attract top employers.

ASE certification for technicians is a national standard. This certification allows you to stand out from the rest and earn higher wages. ASE certification is available for eight different areas. You must have at least two years' experience in the same field. You must pass an examination each five years in order to keep your ASE certification. Eight tests must be passed to become a master auto technician. UTI's Auto Technology program provides information on how to get this certification. It's also an excellent way to get ASE certified, which can substitute for two years of work experience.


What qualifications is required to become an mechanic?

A series of tests is required to be a mechanic. These exams include:

  • A test of general knowledge
  • A practical examination
  • An apprenticeship test

These tests are designed to ensure that you understand the basic concepts of mechanical engineering and physics before you start working as a mechanic.

After passing these tests, you will be eligible to become a mechanic. You will still need to complete an apprenticeship. This will require you to learn the trade.

To fully understand the mechanics of vehicle repairs, you'll need workshops and classes. It will be necessary to work alongside experienced mechanics.

You'll need a high level of concentration and attention to detail if you want to succeed as a mechanic. Vehicle repairs require you to be very attentive.

To be a successful mechanic, patience and perseverance are essential. If you don’t enjoy following instructions, this might not be the right career path.

You could make a great career out of your love for cars and the work that goes into fixing them.

Is it hard to be a mechanic apprentice?

Although it's not an easy task, you will learn quickly and have many opportunities to advance.

You need to have patience and perseverance. You should also be able to repair cars, trucks, and motorbikes.

There is a lot of pressure from customers and family members who want you to succeed. However, you shouldn't be forced to make difficult decisions.

This could be an excellent career choice for someone who enjoys fixing cars. This job allows you to make a decent wage and build up your company.

But, you might prefer a different path. You might consider becoming a technician in this instance.

This means that you can use your technical knowledge to help other workers. Technical support could include helping technicians to troubleshoot issues or teaching them new techniques.

You can also become a service advisor. This is where you can offer advice and assistance to customers who bring their vehicles to a garage.

It all depends on your goals. There are many choices available and you can choose what suits you best.

Is it difficult to find a job as a mechanic in the automotive industry?

Yes, it's possible. Many garages have vacancies that are advertised online. Many people apply because they think it will be fun. Try applying to a few jobs and seeing if the garages accept student applications. Alternatively, you could ask friends and family if they know anyone who works in the industry. They might be happy to recommend someone.


  • Apprentice mechanics earn significantly less hourly than mechanics who have completed training, with a median wage of approximately $14.50 an hour, according to PayScale. (jobhero.com)
  • There were 749,900 jobs available for automotive service technicians and mechanics in 2016, which is expected to grow by six percent through 2026. (jobhero.com)
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the job outlook for automotive service technicians and mechanics is expected to decline by 4% from 2019 to 2029. (indeed.com)

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How To

How to diagnose your vehicle properly for repair

Before you can determine if your car requires repairs, it's important to first analyze the symptoms. Follow these steps to properly diagnose your vehicle.

  1. Check engine lights. Inspect the dashboard light indicators. These include the engine lights, the oil pressure gauge and the battery light indicators. The RPM gauge and coolant temperature gauge should also be checked. If any of these indicators have been flashing continuously for several days it could mean that there is something wrong with your vehicle.
  2. Take a look at the treads. Tire wear can lead to problems in handling and brake performance. You should also inspect the wheel treads. They should be clean, and they should be smooth. It is best to take off the wheels and remove them. Use a flashlight to see how well the treads are worn.
  3. Pay attention to the level of your brake fluid. It is important to keep track of how much brake fluid you have in your car. This will ensure your brakes function properly. If your brake fluid level is low they might not work properly when you apply pressure.
  4. Make sure to test the suspension system. The suspension system in vehicles absorbs vibrations and shocks. It improves control and allows for smoother accelerations or decelerations. You might notice a wobbly feeling or uncontrollable shaking in your vehicle if it has a problem with its suspension. To test whether your vehicle has a suspension issue, try putting weight on the front or rear axle and observe the movement.
  5. Examine the steering column. The steering column connects the steering wheel to all other components of the vehicle. Steering columns can be damaged by accidents. It is recommended to replace any steering column that feels loose, or shakey.
  6. The exhaust pipe should be observed. The exhaust pipe helps move gases from a combustion chamber into the atmosphere. If the exhaust pipe is damaged or leaks, harmful fumes can enter your cabin. You should also fix any bent tailpipes immediately.
  7. Check under the hood. Look underneath your hood to see if anything looks strange. Leakage of fluids in your engine could indicate that it is leaking. In addition, if you notice an unusual smell coming from your engine compartment, you should contact a professional technician.
  8. You should inspect your air filter. The outside environment collects dust and other particles in the vehicle's filter. Dirty air filters can cause your vehicle to run poorly. Replace your air filter regularly.
  9. Verify the fan belt. The fan belt that connects your vehicle to the transmission is called the engine fan belt. If the fan belt is damaged, the engine won’t turn. It is easy to replace the belt. You only need a screwdriver or pliers to replace your belt.
  10. The radiator hose and hoses should be checked. The radiator hose carries water from the radiator to the engine. If the hose becomes damaged or cracked, hot liquid can be emitted onto the engine. To repair the hose, you will only need to use a pair needle-nosepliers and a wire brush.
  11. Make sure you have the windshield wipers checked. Windshield wipers use electricity to remove snow and rain. If they stop working, streaks could be left on your glass. To fix the problem, simply change the washer fluid.
  12. Make sure you check the cables. The battery cables provide power for the electrical systems in your car. If you are replacing batteries, disconnect the negative cord first. Failure to do so can damage your alternator.
  13. Make sure your headlights are working properly. Headlights illuminate the road ahead of you. It can lead to poor visibility if they aren't working properly. You can check the bulbs to make sure they aren't burned out.
  14. Make sure you have your lights on. When you approach them at night, the lights warn other drivers. One that doesn't work could cause you to be distracted, and possibly lead to an injury.
  15. Make sure you check your brakes. Brakes will reduce the speed of your car in case of an accident. If they aren't working correctly, you could lose control of your car and crash.
  16. Make sure to change the oil. Keep your engine lubricated with oil. This oil helps to prevent metal parts becoming too worn out. It is recommended that you change your oil at least once per month.



The Average Salary for an Automotive Technician